среда, 31 июля 2019 г.

Love Fragrance Forever®

Large-flowered fragrant pot roses
Fantastic fragrance
Novelty with long-lasting flowers
Especially suitable indoor
Perfect in pots outdoor
Bright colors
Wonderful scent

Creme Love Fragrance Forever®

Pink Love Fragrance Forever®

Rosa and pink Love Fragrance Forever®

Pot Roses with enchanting Fragrance

Novelty at IPM ESSEN 2019

The Queen of Pot Roses – the international acknowledged rose breeder Rosa Eskelund from Roses Forever – presents a brand-new series of long-lasting fragrant pot roses with large flowers at the IPM ESSEN on January 22nd-25th.

Pot roses with fragrance are very difficult to breed and when you add long life of minimum 3 weeks and large flowers to your wish list you really have a challenge ahead of you.

Nevertheless, the international acknowledged rose breeder Rosa Eskelund took up the challenge and after 10 years of breeding she is now ready to present four amazing varieties with large fragrant flowers and a beautiful dark green foliage at the IPM ESSEN which takes place from January 22nd-25th in Essen Germany.

– It has been a long but exciting journey and we can hardly wait to show the new varieties on our stand 6H34 in Hall 6 at the IPM ESSEN. All four new varieties have a very pleasant fragrance with large long-lasting flowers and are for both indoor and outdoor use, says Rosa Eskelund, who already has been breeding a long line of international bestsellers sold under the brand names Infinity® Roses, Roses Forever® and Love Forever®.

Four new varieties

The new varieties will be marketed under the brand name “Love Fragrance Forever” and the individual names Yellow Love Fragrance Forever, Pink Love Fragrance Forever, Crème Love Fragrance Forever and Rosa Love Fragrance Forever – all referring to the colour of the rose. The new varieties are all ready for the market from March 2019.

Stop and smell the Roses

Rosa Eskelund is a breeder with passion for her roses. That is also why her new fragrant pot roses will be presented under the slogan “Stop and smell the Roses”.

– I heard this expression about ‘Stop and smell the Roses’ some time ago. It is so true, because we all live busy lives, and it is important sometimes to ‘stop and smell the roses’ and see our lives with a deeper appreciation of the world around us. It can help us to slow down and be aware of all the little things that makes life so beautiful. It is more than ever important to take a break and be present in the moment; otherwise those moments will pass you by, says Rosa Eskelund.

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